My Blog Post

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lack of Technology


  1. I think this is an interesting topic and I'm curious to see what kinds of information you can find. I would love to see some more articles about One Laptop Per Child and how that company is growing their mission.

  2. This has been a problem for many years now, I hope that they can actively follow through on these programs even though the economy is still recovering.

  3. I hear about this program all the time but don't know much about it - One Laptop Per Child. It makes me wonder how effective this has been and has the impact been measurable. That would be great to know. Thanks for the video.

  4. I am very interested in the blog coming from the island of Jamaica which was at one time considered to be an underdeveloped country. I hope the one laptop per child reaches its goal so that the global playing field could become a bit more leveled once the countries become more up to date with technology.
